BOOK REVIEW- a love letter to whiskey by kandi steiner

3 Stars/toxic romance/friends to lovers (?)/spicy


I have no thoughts in my head. I've taken a few days to gather my thoughts about this book, but I still feel lost. I also want to preface this by saying that I did not read Jamie's POV because by that point I was exhausted and did not care.

A Love Letter to Whiskey follows B and Jamie over the span of a decade. They meet in high school, where Jamie immediately starts dating B's best friend. They develop a strong friendship despite B's feelings for Jamie, and this is where it started to lose me. Personally, I *hate* the pining male/female friendship trope. You know the kind- where they're "friends" but really one is madly in love with the other one, so is the friendship really genuine? Not a fan. This definitely applied to this book, and from the beginning I was wondering whether or not Jamie actually liked B as a person, or was taking advantage of her feelings for him.

Then we get to college. They unexpectedly go to the same college, which could have been cute. It was not. B is dating someone else (as opposed to high school, where Jamie was the one that was taken) and refuses to break up with her boyfriend, despite very obviously having very strong feelings for Jamie. And this was the beginning of the "WTF" part of the book.

The rest of the story follows these two characters claiming to be madly in love with each other, while simultaneously DESTROYING the other person, damaging everyone around them, and refusing to be together for extremely immature and stupid reasons. It was miscommunication on steroids because there just was no communication.

But here's the thing: I genuinely wanted these two to get together. 1, so that they could stop ruining the lives of everyone who gets close to them, and 2, because they're the perfect match for immaturity and selfishness. I do think they're a really good example of twin flames, but it was painful to read.

I gave it three stars because despite me hating most of the characters and finding the storyline infuriating, the writing was pretty good. Some of it made me cringe, but it was overall good.

Do I recommend? Probably not. Do I regret reading? also no.




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