book review- Jasper Vale by Devney Perry

1.75/fake dating/small town


I have genuinely really loved the Edens series thus far, and I was very excited for this release. I wasn't overly into Jasper or Eloise as characters, but I felt the same way about Foster and Talia and they grew on me throughout their book. I had high hopes that this would be the same, and I was PRAYING for an ending that switched things up a little bit.

I was disappointed. So, so disappointed. I don't even know where to begin because the entire book was a flop from start to finish.

First off, the entire reason for needing to fake this marriage drove me insane. Eloise came off as extremely immature (something she was desperately trying to prove she wasn't) and the fact that Jasper wanted to stay married to go to HIS EX-WIFE'S WEDDING? no.

Jasper was the character equivalent of watching paint dry. I got nothing from that character. In terms of depth, he is a kiddie pool. Not even. He's a puddle. I tried to find a redeemable quality, but I don't think there were any to be found. He essentially used Eloise, treated her like crap, but we were supposed to look past it because... he cooked for her? wow. So romantic.

There was absolutely no tension, no build, no romance. Just some spice, and we were supposed to believe that it was enough to make Eloise fall in love. There was really no plot, and nothing actually happens until the last 100 pages. Then we throw in the actual event/purpose of the story, and some random drama/conflict/action that came out of nowhere and did nothing for the actual plot.

also the endings. THE ENDINGS!!!! CAN. WE. NOT?! just once. literally just one time, I want an ending that isn't THE SAME AS ALL THE OTHER ONES.

I only kept going because I loved the other books in this series, but I find myself wishing I could get that time back. I think the other Edens books are worth a read, but do yourself a favor and skip this one.


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